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ConnectioN Point was founded in August of 2016 as a collaborative ministry between Christ United Methodist Church, the Blue River District of the UMC, and Motive-the United Methodist Campus Ministry at UNL. One primary goal at the beginning was for ConnectioN Point to extend services found on UNL's City Campus to students and staff on UNL's East Campus. This was accomplished by engaging with East Campus students and professors to provide volunteer opportunities with the community and tangible services like the Open Shelf food and hygiene pantry. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


Now in our seventh year, we are focused on partnering with churches, organizations, and neighborhoods to develop purpose-centered missional communities where people can connect with others to engage in meaningful acts of mercy and justice for the public good. One of these communities is Open Shelf Community Initiatives which has incorporated as its own nonprofit to support the Open Shelf Pantry, Career Closet. Our funding for ConnectioN Point comes from individual donations and grants from the Blue River District and Great Plains Conference of the UMC

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