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  • Writer's pictureConnectioN Point

Distanced Socializing Devotional- 7

Our Wednesday devotion was prepared by Heleena Pettee, a member of Christ UMC and our Youth Director.


“I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” Psalm 9:1


Anyone who knows me well knows that I am always on the go. Whether its work, running, or doing errands, I always find a way to stay busy. I guess it makes me feel more productive, who knows?

You could say these last 2 weeks have been a change for me. I have been home a lot more than I normally am and have made a point to not go out more than needed. The other day while I was home I was lying on the couch reading a book and my cat jumped right up and laid down on my stomach. He then began to purr super loud and I couldn’t help but smile. Getting to just sit and cuddle with my cat felt like such a blessing.

A little while later, I started cooking dinner and all of a sudden I started to hear my husband, Warren, practicing the piano in another room. It was such a beautiful thing to get to cook and listen to him play. After dinner Warren asked if I wanted to paint with him and we sat at the table learning how to paint together for the evening.

These moments are so precious. As I sit at home I can’t help but count all these blessings that I may take for granted sometimes.  These recent days may have changed my routines but it hasn’t taken away from all the wonderful blessings that God has blessed me with. With that I will give thanks to God with all my heart for these moments.


Lord, help us to see all the wonderful blessings that this day holds for us. You have blessed us in many ways and for that, we are forever thankful. Amen.

Important Announcements

1. A special thanks to everyone who responded to Pastor Beth’s plea for financial donations to purchase food for OpeN Shelf, our food pantry at ConnectioN Point. We were greatly moved by your generosity. If you haven’t made a donation to OpeN Shelf, but would like to, please send a check to the church at 4530 A Street, Lincoln, 68510, write “food pantry” in the memo line. Or, you can contribute through PushPay at

2. Also, if you are interested in safely volunteering to help during the coronavirus by running errands, such as going to grocery story, the pharmacy, or the post office for church members who are especially vulnerable to the coronavirus, then please send us an email at Please give us your name and time availability. We will keep a list and let you know how you can help. 3. Finally, don’t forget that church members are welcome to contribute a devotional to this series. If you have a devotional—or, would like to write one—please contact Richard at

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