Our Tuesday devotional is prepared by Liz Bady, a member of our faith community.
Scripture Psalm 118:1
Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good;
God’s love endures forever.
I imagine many of us are thinking about God a lot during these incredible times. There are so many emotions surrounding God. Because of our Christian faith, I think, we try really hard to stay positive and be grateful at all times. But, as this crisis goes on and on, we may feel more fear and anger and puzzlement.
Our daughter, Kristabeth, posted a “Looking Forward Ritual” on Facebook today. She asked what we looked forward to in the past and what we are looking forward to now, in light of Covid-19. Larry and I were looking forward to a trip to visit Kristabeth and her family in Vermont, and, as the days progress, I wonder when we will see them again. Now, our days are looking forward to texts, e-mails, FaceTime and Zoom visits with our family, our friends and our church family. And, we are very grateful that we have that technology which allows us to look forard. But, there is sadness and anxiousness.
“Meister Eckhart wrote, ‘As thou are in church or cell, that same frame of mind carry out into the world, into its turmoil and fitfulness.’ Deep within us all there is an amazing inner sanctuary of the soul, a holy place, a Divine Center, a speaking Voice, to which we may continuously return. Eternity is at our hearts, pressing upon our time-worn lives, warming us with intimations of an astounding destiny, calling us home unto Itself.” — From A Testament of Devotion by Thomas R. Kelly.
There is so much to look forward to in God. God’s love is with us at all times, enduring forever. We can rest in God.
Dear loving and caring God. May this day bring us closer to you. Let us hear your speaking Voice, open our hearts and allow your enduring love to enter. We need to feel your presence in our lives. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Important Announcements
Cloth Masks. Deb Rurhdanz and Teena Faubel are busy making cloth masks. So far we have donated $500 to Midwest Mission, and have given $172 in food to ConnectNPoint. We have donated some masks to various places. We plan on giving a total of $500 to ConnectNPoint. If you are in need of cloth masks, call Deb at 402-420-6670 or Teena Faubel at 402-217-3775. Donations to Made For Mission are welcome.